One of the most recent trends in the world of marijuana is the use of THC

concentrates, usually via a method called dabbing. This entails heating a small amount of concentrate, often on the tip of a nail, and inhaling the resulting vapor. Proponents favor this method because the concentrates can be up to 90% THC, producing very strong highs very quickly and using relatively little product.
But the flip side of that, particularly for inexperienced users, is the potential for very harmful side effects. THC, the chief psychoactive component in marijuana, can have detrimental effects on the brain, particularly the immature brains of adolescents. And in high enough doses it is possible to overdose on THC.
A recent news story discusses the suicide of Marc Bullard, whose depression is believed to be related to his use of THC concentrates. View the full story here, including an interview with marijuana researcher Dr. Kari Franson.