As of 1 January, Kentucky residents can legally purchase medical marijuana, and qualified Kentuckians who are 18 years of age or older and have no criminal record can pay a $25 application fee and receive a medical marijuana card from the Office of Medical Cannabis to use for purchases at licensed dispensaries. To date, there are 48 licensed dispensaries in Kentucky.
How to screen licensed marijuana dispensaries
Matthew Bratcher, executive director of KentuckyNORML, said a list of licensed dispensaries can be found on the Office of Medical Cannabis website.
Effects of medical marijuana
1. pain relief: It is effective in reducing pain caused by nerve damage and chronic pain.
2. Controls nausea and vomiting: Relieves nausea and vomiting that occurs after chemotherapy.
3. Increases appetite: It has an appetite-boosting effect on patients who have lost a lot of weight.
Side effects of medical marijuana
1. cognitive decline: memory and concentration may be temporarily impaired.
2. Mental health issues: It can cause mental health issues such as anxiety, seizures, etc.
3. Cardiovascular problems: It can cause increased heart rate and frequent blood pressure fluctuations.
Other side effects may include respiratory problems, vomiting, and more, so consult your doctor before taking it.