Marijuana Use During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

There is evidence that maternal marijuana use during pregnancy is associated with some delivery complications; babies being born with low birth-weights; and possibly a ventricular septal defect (a hole in a baby’s heart). There is also some research suggesting that marijuana use during pregnancy is related to abnormal early-childhood and adolescent behavior, and possibly even some cancers. Very early exposure to THC (prenatally or during breastfeeding) may negatively affect brain development, particularly the development of emotional responses. It also seems to be tied to children showing “gaps in problem-solving skills, memory, and the ability to remain attentive.”

A less commonly discussed topic is paternal use of marijuana during pregnancy. There is actually some evidence that “fathers’ marijuana use in the year prior to their children’s births is associated with an increased risk of [a rare but very malignant tumor] in their children.” It may also be correlated with an increased chance of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Overall, the effects of marijuana use on fetuses and babies are unclear, and for this reason most physicians recommend that women avoid its use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Second-hand marijuana smoke has also been shown to cause altered states of consciousness in infants and young children, which should be avoided particularly since safe limits for this are unknown.

Increasing numbers of children admitted to hospitals with marijuana exposure

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A new study shows that the number of children being admitted to hospitals with lung irritation who have been exposed to marijuana is increasing. At this point, 16 percent of children (about 1 in 6) admitted for bronchiolitis show signs of contact with THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana. This number has gone up since recreational marijuana use became legal in Colorado in 2014. In addition to psychoactive properties, marijuana can contain carcinogens and other toxic chemicals, and most of these chemicals’ effects on children have not been tested.

Visit Science Daily for the full press release.



This issue is receiving increased attention, as seen in a recent article from the New York Times.   The piece discusses a new study from the Journal of the American Medical Association, which says that Colorado’s rate of pediatric exposures to marijuana has increased by more than 150% since the state began allowing the legal use of recreational marijuana in 2014.  Many of the affected children were accidentally exposed by ingesting marijuana-infused edible goods.  Kids are particularly at risk for accidental exposure because they cannot distinguish between these products and the harmless cookies, brownies, and candies they’re used to.  One researcher also commented that many marijuana edibles are packaged in bright colors that attract children’s attention.

A report (pictured above) from the Washington Poison Center shows similar occurrences in the state.  Like Colorado, Washington has also had an increase in calls to poison control centers due to marijuana exposure and poisoning, and again, many of those calls or for children.  Another similarity is that the biggest increase in the number of calls came after recreational use of marijuana was legalized.

Treatment Options

For more information on treatment options, please visit the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s (NIDA) website on drug addiction treatments. The site offers information specific to adult, kids and teens, parents seeking treatment for their children, and adults seeking help for friends or family. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers two Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locators, one that is searchable by specific location and one to locate state agencies that can help.

If you prefer, you can also contact an addiction specialist directly.  The American Society of Addiction Medicine website has a Find a Physician feature on its home page, and the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry has a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Finder on its website.


Here is a list of organizations that can provide more information and/or educational resources.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health

  • NIDA’s marijuana drug facts page
  • Educational materials, particularly for kids and teenagers
  • Information and educational materials, particularly for parents and educators

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), part of the Department of Health and Human Services

  • SAMHSA’s website for ordering marijuana resources
  • All of SAMHSA’s marijuana publications

The State of Colorado

  • Colorado’s marijuana homepage with information on several topics, including legal use, medical use, and health effects.
  • Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s website for retail marijuana public health information on education and youth prevention.
  • Colorado Department of Education’s website with information on marijuana’s effects on students and schools.

SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana)

  • SAM is a bipartisan, non-profit “alliance of organizations and individuals dedicated to a health-first approach to marijuana policy.”  The link above, is to SAM’s website for factsheets, PowerPoint presentations, and other informational resources for the public regarding marijuana.

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids

  • This site provides resources on how to discuss drugs with kids; how to find treatment for people who are worried their kids may be using drugs; and educational materials for parents, teachers, and kids.

Community Alliances for Drug Free Youth (CADFY)

  • CADFY is “a non-profit organization working in collaboration with other agencies and organizations to bring parents, youth, schools, and communities together to reduce substance abuse through the application of successful prevention strategies and programs.” The link above is to CADFY’s website for prevention resources, which includes subcategories for teens, parents, teachers, law enforcement, and faith leaders.

Foundation for a Drug Free World

The Foundation for a Drug Free World “is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free.”

  • The organization’s fact page on marijuana
  • FDFW’s page for ordering or downloading printed resources
  • The “Take Action” page, which includes information for teachers, parents, and law enforcement

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI)University of Washington

  • The ADAI’s website for marijuana fact sheets (the site also includes information on the institute’s research projects, as well as resources specifically for parents and teens)

Article Update Revises Previous Findings: Marijuana Not Harmless

SAM logo

The Psychology of Addictive Behaviors has published a new, contradictory update to a recent journal article that concluded marijuana was harmless. The newer article reports a review of the statistical methods used in the first piece and concludes that, in direct contradiction to the first study’s conclusion, there are 2.5 times as many incidences of psychotic disorders among marijuana users than among non-users.

For more detailed reading, see the full press release at the SAM website.

Who’s Really in Prison for Marijuana?

prison bars

One of the common assertions about marijuana is that many of the people in jail or prison for drug related offenses were convicted, and are serving lengthy sentences, for “simple possession” of marijuana. This classification refers to offenses involving small amounts of marijuana (enough to classify as only being intended for the owner’s personal use), generally carried by non-violent, first-time offenders. While it is true that a conviction for simple possession can entail at least jail time, if not prison time, judges most often give first-time offenders more lenient punishments, which can include fines and community service. Many first-time marijuana offenders may not even be arrested, let alone punished.

Additionally, most people who are sent to prison for marijuana possession are also sent for at least one other, more serious or violent, crime. It is misleading to claim that people are serving years (or life) long sentences for simple possession, when most, if not all, of those people are serving those sentences for possession while also serving sentences for much more severe crimes. State and federal sentencing guidelines generally do not encourage incarceration for the possession of personal-use amounts of marijuana, let alone do they encourage (or even allow) sentences of more than a few months for it. Reports on the federal and state prison systems routinely show that of all the people imprisoned for simple possession, almost all of them are serving those short sentences while also serving harsher sentences for harsher crimes, such as drug trafficking, participation in drug trafficking organizations or other organized crime, or other violent crimes.

Listed below are links to several of these reports.

Owning or Investing in a Marijuana Business

small business owner

With the recent increase in legalization of recreational and medicinal marijuana use, many people have become interested in starting or investing in marijuana businesses. Something to keep in mind, though, is that people who are interested generally need to reside in the states in which the businesses are owned and operated. In Colorado and Oregon, for example, this means that if you would like to start or invest in a marijuana business, you need to have lived there for at least two years before applying for the appropriate business licenses. You may not invest in (let alone start) the business while living in another state or country. In Washington, investors only need to have been residents for three months, but their companies all have to be formed in state as well.

Another major point: no one may buy marijuana in a state where it is legal and take it to another state, even another state where it is legal. This constitutes drug trafficking, a federal offense, which law enforcement officials are on greater alert for due to the increasing number of states that allow legal marijuana use.

These links provide information on individual states’ policies regarding founding or investing in marijuana businesses.!washington-legal-marijuana/c1vsw

Houston HIDTA Executive Board Meeting

NMI Presentation

This January, the Houston HIDTA Executive Board invited NMI National Coordinator Ed Shemelya to discuss the effects of legalized marijuana that have been observed in Colorado.  Texas law enforcement and public safety officials anticipate a battle over legalizing marijuana during the state’s upcoming 2017 legislative session, and the Houston HIDTA and its partners have made the proactive decision to start preparations early.  Mr. Shemelya’s presentation focused on the increased use of marijuana, especially among teenagers and college-aged adults.  Increased use has a number of side effects, which are harmful for individuals, but which can also pose a threat to broader public health, safety, and productivity, and people should accordingly be aware of these before deciding whether or not legalized marijuana is good for their communities.


Updates to Colorado Impact Report

impact report

The Rocky Mountain HIDTA has published an update to the third volume of their report on the effects of marijuana legalization in Colorado, focusing on the effects of legalization on youth and adult use.  Read the full report, as well as their previous reports, at the Rocky Mountain HIDTA website.

NMI and NETI Issues and Trends Meeting

Meeting Recap

In December, law enforcement personnel, including Appalachia HITDA Director Frank Rapier, gathered alongside policy makers, HIDTA personnel, and industry experts in Lexington, Kentucky to discuss issues surrounding anti-narcotics legislation. The meeting’s participants came from Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, and West Virginia. The discussion was facilitated by Neely Carlton, a former Mississippi state senator. Ms. Carlton led the group in working through issues relating to the process of creating legislation, such as how to identify potential allies, and how to publicly state a group’s position in order to garner support among legislators.

The meeting took a different approach than many past narcotics officers’ conferences, examining opportunities for law enforcement to affect change through policy, rather than through direct enforcement initiatives. Discussions and training on these issues are critical, since topics like the best time to contact a legislator about creating a new law or the most effective ways to ask for support are not often thought of as necessary knowledge for those working in law enforcement. The meeting’s participants discussed their place within the legislative process, and where their ability to influence that process may lie. So far, the meeting’s organizers are receiving very positive feedback and hope to expand this approach for future conferences.