The Link Between Cannabis Use Disorder and Head and Neck Cancer

Among all head and neck cancer cases,
we found a diagnosis of cannabis use disorder in 116,000 cases and found that people with a cannabis use disorder
were 2.5 times more likely to have oral cancer and 5 times more likely to have oropharyngeal cancer.
These findings were the same across all age groups,
and experts pointed to the smoke from smoking tobacco and cannabis as increasing the risk of cancer,
and warned that the combination of alcohol increases the risk

Diagnosing cannabis use disorder

The way cannabis is smoked is linked to cancer

They also noted that the way cannabis is smoked, with deep inhalation and lingering smoke in the throat,
and the cannabinoids present in cannabis have been linked to cancer. With the recent legalization of marijuana,
the expert said that marijuana use is likely to increase, which could lead to an increase in head and neck cancer diagnoses in the future. 

Consistently communicate the dangers of cannabis use

To prevent this, people should continue to be informed of the risks of cannabis use and further research should be conducted to determine the link between cancer incidence and cannabis use.

Long-term marijuana use increases incidence of head and neck cancer

After analyzing millions of medical records, a study found that long-term marijuana use increases the incidence of head and neck cancer.
The study did not distinguish between methods of cannabis consumption, suggesting that the results were based on smoking cannabis.

CDC’s Diagnostic Criteria for Cannabis Use Disorder

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) diagnoses a person with a cannabis use disorder if they use cannabis despite experiencing problems in their lives, or if they have strong cravings for cannabis.
The National Cancer Institute also reports that a person diagnosed with throat or mouth cancer has a 69% chance of surviving five years or more,
but that drops to 14% if the cancer metastasizes.

Leading causes of head and neck cancer

Experts say that tobacco and alcohol are the leading causes of head and neck cancers,
while an unbalanced diet and a weakened immune system also increase the risk. Additionally,
people with Epstein-Barr virus and human papillomavirus are more likely to develop cancer. 

Ohio recreational marijuana sales begin

Recreational marijuana is now available for sale in Ohio, and sales are higher than expected.
Ohioans are so enthusiastic about recreational marijuana that sales of recreational marijuana have now surpassed sales of medical marijuana.
Recreational marijuana retailers are pleased with the enthusiastic response from their customers and hope to continue to serve them in the future.
The Bureau of Cannabis Control is impressed with the lengths that recreational marijuana retailers have gone to in order to meet sales requirements and will continue to regulate sales to ensure that Ohioans have access to safe cannabis.

Residents have mixed feelings about recreational marijuana legalization

With recreational marijuana use now likely to be legalized in Florida,
a Florida state senator has proposed a bill that would ban smoking in all public places.
The idea of legalizing recreational marijuana differs among the citizens of the state of Florida.
There are positive opinions that legalization will bring in more money by regulating the negative effects.
On the other hand, there are those who support medical marijuana but see no reason to legalize recreational marijuana. 

Thoughts on Florida’s Public Smoking Ban Bill

As for Florida’s public smoking ban,
there are those who believe that the new law will not be effective because there are already laws that restrict where people can smoke.
On the other hand, there are those who support the bill because they believe that the new law will have a positive effect on some people who cause harm to others by smoking in public.

Ohio recreational marijuana

Legal marijuana’s high price makes it less competitive

Companies make stronger products and advertise them to make people curious because they are legalized.
Also, legal marijuana is sold at a higher price than illegal marijuana, making it uncompetitive in price compared to illegal marijuana.
The reason why legal marijuana is more expensive than illegal marijuana is because New York has been strictly regulating marijuana,
only issuing licenses to a small number of people, which naturally drives up the price.

How to curb the illegal marijuana market

The only way to make legal marijuana more price competitive is to deregulate it,
license anyone who wants to sell it and lower taxes so they can grow their business, and the illegal marijuana market will gradually disappear.
However, this would make marijuana as accessible to many people as alcohol and tobacco.

The Social Impact of Marijuana Deregulation

Alcohol and tobacco also cause a lot of social problems,
but they are hardly regulated. If marijuana were deregulated,
we don’t know what social effects it would have, but it would reduce the size of the illegal marijuana market.

illegal marijuana market

The impact of legalising recreational marijuana

When New York legalized recreational marijuana, we expected good things: lots of jobs and lots of tax revenue.
But the reality of the situation now is so different from what we expected.
There are more than 10 times as many illegal dispensaries as legal recreational dispensaries,
and many people are buying from illegal dispensaries.

Young people can buy marijuana from illegal pharmacies

There are also many robberies at illegal dispensaries every year, and teenagers are able to buy marijuana through illegal dispensaries.
The government’s marijuana regulatory agency,
the Bureau of Cannabis Control, which is supposed to stop this,
is so weak that it is not doing its job and is virtually unregulated. Of course, marijuana is not as bad as some critics claim,
but it is certainly addictive and has side effects.

Addiction rates soar in areas where marijuana is legalised

Many people have already become addicted to marijuana and continue to use it. It also becomes a social problem when addicts become socially isolated as they become unable to function in their daily lives.
We can also see the effects of legalizing marijuana by the spike in the number of addicts in areas where it has already been legalized.

Children Threatened by Medical Marijuana Legalization

Many medical and scientific experts have spoken out against the legalization of medical marijuana,
stating that marijuana is not a drug.
Last year, the North Carolina Senate passed a marijuana policy proposal, which has affected thousands of children.
The reason given by experts for passing this ridiculous marijuana policy was the hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenue it would generate for addicts.

Teens who use marijuana 10 times more likely to develop mental illness

While people are pushing to legalize drugs that are even more dangerous than marijuana, the medical data on marijuana has only gotten worse,
with studies showing that teens who use marijuana are more than 10 times more likely to become mentally ill.
And in states that have already legalized medical marijuana, we’re seeing problems with children using it.

Children buying marijuana with medical marijuana cards

Also, the percentage of children using marijuana is growing, and when we asked children who use marijuana how they got it,
we found that they got it from someone who had a medical marijuana card.
We already know from medical data that marijuana is more likely to cause movement disorders and psychiatric disorders,
and this is even more devastating for children.
We must stop the legalization of marijuana for the health and safety of the next generation.

Medical Marijuana

Amendments to the sale of recreational marijuana

The Eastern Band of Cherokee will begin selling recreational marijuana on July 4. The general manager, who runs one marijuana dispensary,
said business has been growing since the introduction of medical marijuana sales. He said he aims to start selling to the general public in August.
And he said he will hire more employees because the demand for recreational marijuana is too much for his current staff to handle.

Amendments negative for one business owner with two marijuana dispensaries

But one part of the amendment to recreational marijuana sales is financially harmful to one owner of two marijuana dispensaries.
The owner said he wants this changed because if he closes his stores due to this amendment,
he will lose money on things like marijuana inventory, employees he will have to lay off, and rent.

The Aftermath of the Medical Marijuana Amendment

A group opposed to recreational marijuana spoke out against the expansion of the medical marijuana program this year.
The group said that starting with the medical marijuana amendment is bad because it could lead to the commercialization of potent marijuana as well.
It also said that more than 50% of newborns at one hospital tested positive for marijuana, which means that the problem with marijuana is deepening. 

Testing positive for marijuana

The Biden Administration’s Rethinking Marijuana

Recently, the Biden administration has been taking a look at marijuana. Recreational marijuana is already legal in many states in the U.S., but there are a number of states where it is not.  Many people are opposed to the Biden administration’s decision, citing the health risks of regular marijuana use as the primary reason.

Could marijuana legalisation hurt Mexican cartels?

Marijuana causes problems such as strokes and heart attacks, and adversely affects memory and the development of the fetal brain in pregnant women. Supporters of the Biden administration’s opinion say that legalizing marijuana would hurt the Mexican cartels by cutting off the marijuana that is currently coming in illegally from Mexico, and that the government would gain a significant amount of tax revenue by controlling the market. However, this is incorrect, and the cartels would not be hurt by the change.

Mexican cartels take over illegal marijuana markets

Mexican cartels are already undermining the legal marijuana market that exists in the U.S. by growing illegal marijuana. In addition, marijuana sales are largely a cash transaction, and legalization would allow cartels to launder millions of dollars in untraceable cash, making them even harder to regulate. Cartels also use marijuana profits to support other businesses, such as human trafficking and sex trafficking.

The Biden Administration's Rethinking Marijuana

Side Effects of Marijuana Use 

Marijuana use can exacerbate depression and lead to mental problems such as anxiety. One of its ingredients is responsible for hallucinations, which can be powerful even in small doses. Marijuana use by teens is also a problem. Once teens start using marijuana, they can become dependent on it, more than double the rate of use, and develop mental health problems. Marijuana has been heavily used as a hallucinogen, but it can also be used therapeutically. However, it needs to be prescribed by a proper professional and should never be abused. The problems that can arise from abuse are numerous and can include memory loss and difficulty concentrating when used over a long period of time. It also poses risks to lung health and heart function and reduces sexual function in men.

Side Effects of Marijuana Use

Legalization of Marijuana Use in Germany

Germany has decided to legalize marijuana for adults over the age of 18 starting in April. It will also be allowed to grow marijuana for non-commercial purposes starting in July. However, smoking marijuana is prohibited near schools and sports facilities, and smoking marijuana on pedestrianized streets is also prohibited. Minors caught possessing or using marijuana will be required to complete an education program.

Negative Reactions to Marijuana Legalization in Germany

The German Medical Association has warned that marijuana causes addiction in 10% of users and can cause permanent brain damage if used regularly until the age of 25. The German Association of Investigators has also said that legalization will make it impossible to distinguish between legally grown and illegal marijuana, leading to a growing black market. The Federal Security Service is concerned that the decision will increase police work and threaten traffic safety.

Legalization of Marijuana Use in Germany

Ohio recreational marijuana sales imminent

Ohio lawmakers have adopted an amendment that would add a tool to test for impairment before recreational marijuana sales begin in the state. It’s almost time for Ohio to allow recreational marijuana sales, and the state needs to take measures against marijuana, which can cause a variety of problems. But the problem is that it’s not yet technically possible to test whether a driver is under the influence of cannabis through something like a breathalyzer, so they’re trying to figure out what method to use.
